Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Not So Welcome Visitor

Hello friends.

Last night as we were settling in, I was in my room and I heard Ezlyn scream and run out of her room. So naturally I got up and asked her what was going on. She said that there was a giant spider in her room. I am not a fan of spiders, not even a little bit. But, I was curious as to how big a "giant" spider is in SA. Well, it was as big as my hand. No joke. I have NEVER seen a spider that big other than on TV and in a zoo. I didn't see it at first because it was on her closet door, right in front of my face!!! As soon as I saw it I had a mini heart attack. We got her mom and she grabbed some bug killing spray. I had a shoe in my hand and Ezlyn had a broom. I honestly don't know how we would have gotten it out of the house without killing it. I also grabbed my camera. Estee attacked the giant spider with the spray, and I took a picture of it when it was curled into a ball. I thought it was dead at this point, I was very wrong. As I was taking a picture of it, it uncurled from the ball and ran at me. HOLY CRAP!!! Did I ever scream like a little girl, Estee and Ezlyn were yelling for me to hit it with the shoe. I did just that, the shoe didn't even cover the entire body of the spider. I then took a picture of the squashed spider.

After this traumatic experience it was very difficult to fall asleep. We think the giant man-eating spider got in because the windows are open in the house. My windows are shut, and will now remain shut for the rest of my time here. I do not want to wake up to a crawly, huge, visitor. Every time something tickled me last night I was convinced that there was a spider in my bed. Yuck. But it's ok though, because apparently only the small spiders are poisonous. :-O Ironically enough, I think I was the most brave out of everyone last night. I mean, I did get close to it to take a picture. Ezlyn and I both got up early for work this morning. Neither of us got much sleep last night, we both had the creepy crawlies. I will post my photos later.

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